Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Under the files tab, you can find up to 5 6 different options related to your file. An administrator can activate these different functions and either have them nested (included in the dropdown menu from 'File' or just shown as a button in the menu tab). We would recommend to use buttons for the actions you will use a lot and nest the actions you don't have to use on every single document.


When you're done reviewing a document ; , you can click this button to submit the document. By clicking this button you're changing the status of the document from 'to review' to 'done' in the inbox. You will automatically be taken to the next "To review" document.


You can also reject a file, which will automatically show the status of the document as “rejected” in the inbox.

Clicking on the Enrich button will make the machine dig into the database and look for more information that it can return to the fields asked from the document. For example, if a company VAT number was successfully extracted but not the company name, the machine will look for a company name that is linked to that VAT number in the data base.

When you click on the cursor mode, you switch from and to the pointer- and the text select cursors. Text select cursors are more user-friendly for text detected files whereas pointer cursors are more useful when selecting bigger boxes of text.


When you want to go to the next field to review in the document, you can click the exclamation mark button or simply press ENTER. If there are no more fields to review, ENTER will prompt you to mark the document as done.


Clicking on this button change the preview of the document between image (how the file really looks) and data (all the text that was extracted from the document).

Next document (ALT + RIGHT)


Version allows you to visualise different versions of the data. The different versions are

  • default/predicted: the version with the initial predictions made by the machine

  • saved/human: the version last saved by a person

  • gold → human: the final values of the document that the human submits The most common examples of versions are (1) the initial prediction and (2) the submitted data.

Gold version: For each document, there is one single answer which is considered to be the one and only correct answer. We label this answer as the version "gold".


Version tags: Each version has a tag to identify the version. This tag is set automatically for the first prediction ("initial_prediction") and the first evaluation by a person ("first_pass"). Additional versions can be created, typically through the /wiki/spaces/DA/pages/347013238Sampling pane. The are assigned a label when the documents are scheduled for an additional version (by the ML pipeline or by a human operator).
