’s Intelligent Automation solution consists of:

Prediction engine

Our Prediction Engine interprets and reads documents and emails

For each of the different cognitive tasks that the Intelligent Automation solution performs, it provides a prediction based on the information available in the document (images, text, context).

Web portal

Our Web Portal is optimized for efficiency, transparency, and control

An intuitive user interface with

Three objectives

For more documentation, see The comprehensive guide


Our REST API allows for easy and scalable integration in the IT landscape

Anything (and more) you can do in the web portal, you can do via the APIs.

In practice, API is mostly used to POST documents and to process the results.

Getting started with our API: document upload

Main structuring elements of our solution

Chances are you have been given access to a tenant on our solution. This could be in a multi-tenant or single-tenant set-up, depending on the option you have selected. Either way, the name of your tenant will be the first part of the url to which you navigate to interact with our APIs or web portal, e.g.,

For your tenant, you will be able to configure multiple projects, e.g.,

A project will specify the document types you are interested in (e.g., identity cards, invoices) and the fields of interest (e.g., first name, invoice number) in those document types. This is defined in a format and a project will support one or more formats.

Each project can then have multiple inboxes. An inbox is a logical grouping of files which allows you to control access and various settings.

Each inbox can have multiple files. A file can be an email, image, pdf, office document, zip file, … essentially anything that you could print, you can upload to an inbox in our solution.

(additional notes during workshop)

DEV → TEST (contract-t) → QUALIFICATION (contract-q) → PRODUCTIE (contract-p)



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