When choosing your flow format in the “predict” box, you would usually select one format. However, if
If your split-into-sections button is enabled in project details, then you can either configure a single format or multiple formats:
Enabled split-into-sections + single format: If the tool cannot determine the type of your document, the prediction will default to the format that you selected.
Enabled split-into-sections + multiple format: If the tool cannot determine the type of your document, the prediction of your document will be “other”, and the review pane will display a blank field.
To illustrate, imagine you upload a document showing an ID. If you selected only a single format (“invoice”), then you should select more than one format for the flowthe tool will predict your document to be an invoice. But if you selected more than one format (“invoice”, “receipt”, “format”), then the tool will recognise that your document is not any of these formats and classify it as “other” and show you a blank format field.
In this view, if you want to extract information from different kinds of formats or if you want to simply classify among different formats, then enter multiple formats of your interest in the flow format box.
This section displays the list of inboxes of the selected project. An inbox is a logical grouping of documents (e.g., that will be reviewed by a certain team).