It is important to note that users do not have a role as such, they always have a role for a certain scope (= role assignment). While it is possible to provide users with a role on the entire tenant (all inboxes of an organisation (using the wildcardprojects, inboxes, and files), this is not recommended except for the administrator of the organisationtenant.
Editing roles
Add a role: Click on the green button on the bottom right corner of the page. This will automatically add a column on this page. Then, click on the yellow button on the bottom right corner of the page.
Rename: Click on the box that frames “New Role” on the top screen and type in the new name for the role.
Add/remove permission: Tick/untick any boxes that you may seem adequate for your new role. Then, click on the yellow button on the bottom right corner of the page.
Remove a role: Tick the box beside the role that you would like to remove. Then, click on the red box on the bottom right corner of the page.