These fields have a number of properties.
Index | Property | Description | Default |
1 | Mandatory | You can indicate whether or not a field is required before a file can be submitted. Mandatory fields will be marked as red when not found and will block submission if not filled. | false |
2 | Field | Type in here the technical name of your fields. These names have to be identical to the field names that we support out-of-the-box (case-sensitive too). If we do not support the field yet, then no predictions will be made. | string |
3 | Annotation, Tag |
| annotation |
4 | Data type | Indicates in what format the fields should be saved | string |
5 | Scope | Indicates whether the scope is a page, a section or a document | section |
6 | Visible | Indicates whether a field is visible in the review page | true |
7 | Multiple | Indicates whether a field of interest can appear multiple times in the scope. If this is disabled, the machine will predict only one value for the field. | false |
8 | Count in evaluation | A flag to decide whether the specific field should be evaluated in the statistics. Setting this property on false enables some fields not to be taken into account in evaluations. This is useful for commentary and other optional fields. | true |
9 | Conditional | Some fields of interest are only relevant depending on the value of other fields of interest. For example, you may only be interested in the VAT number of an invoice if |
it has been confirmed that the document is a valid invoice (valid_invoice field == true). | none | ||
10 | Display name | This is the label that will be shown in the Front-End to the user of the data entry companion and in the stats pane. As opposed to the Field (2)(or technical field name), you can name the display name to a name that you think is more intuitive than the technical names of our out-of-the-box fields | same as value in Field (2) |
11 | Technical name | This is the label that will be used when communicating to servers. | |
12 | Description | A short text to characterise the field of interest. |
Scope (5) and the importance of page/subpage splitting