Evolution of accuracy over time (average and per field)
Accuracy by field for a given time range
Confusion charts (for tag fields only)
Document level accuracy
Average accuracy | An average of the accuracy over all fields. 80% accuracy for example means that 80% of the predictions were correct. Note that we only take predictions into account for which we received feedback. |
Field accuracy | A detailed overview of the accuracy per field. |
Fully accurate documents | The percentage of documents that were fully accurate. 60% in this chart means that of all documents seen, 60% were fully correct, so no corrections were made by the reviewer in the entire document. This graph only takes documents into account for which feedback is available. |
Document accuracy | This chart groups documents with a similar accuracy score in terms of percentage of fields predicted correctly. |
Precision (per field) | Precision is a measure that indicates whether the predictions we make are correct |
Recall (per field) | Recall is a measure that indicates how many of the required predictions we actually made |
F1 (per field) | F1 is the harmonic mean of Precision and Recall |
Confusion Matrix | The confusion matrix sets out the predicted against the golden labels to easily see which labels still have confusion. |