Users will be authorised to perform a certain action if they have a role on the inbox that includes the required permission.
A role essentially consists of a label, the name of the role (e.g., administrator, supervisor, team leader, operator), the set of permissions that are granted to that role, and the settings for that role.
It is important to note that users do not have a role as such, they always have a role for a certain inbox. While it is possible to provide users with a role on all inboxes of an organisation (using the wildcard), this is not recommended except for the administrator of the organisation.
Table of Permissions
Permission | Usage / allow to |
view_statistics | check statistics:
upload | upload document |
review |
submit | submit document |
edit_format_settings |
view_list | access inbox page (list of documents) actions according to other permissions |
view_projects | access and modify studio → project |
edit_users | access and modify user management → SSO and users |
edit_roles | access and modify user management → roles and permissions |
create_inbox | access studio → projects → create project and allow to create a project from scratch or use pre-configured project |
edit_automation_settings | access and modify settings → automation |
edit_retention_settings | access and modify settings → data retention |
edit_sampling_settings | access and modify settings → sampling |
edit_dashboard_settings | access and modify settings → portal |
edit_review_settings | access and modify settings → review |
edit_backend_settings | access and modify studio → backends |
write_feedback | access and modify feedback (editable) |
read_feedback | access feedback (read-only) |
write_release_notes | access and modify documentation → release notes (editable) |
read_release_notes | access documentation → release notes (read-only) |
versions | review → show versions |
reject_document |
escalate_document |
never_twice | access and modify never twice |
edit_translations | access translate editor and update translations |
pick_next_escalated | review → pick next also escalated documents |
release_lock | inbox → action: release lock |
de_escalate_document | inbox → action: de-escalate document |