Read the steps underneath.
Go to the upload pane
Select the files you want to uploadĀ / OR / Drag & drop the files you wish to upload*
The files will appear in the upload list on the page
Click 'upload all' at the bottom of the pageĀ / OR / Click the 'upload'-button for every single document you wish to upload
Wait until all the green bars (indicating the upload progress) are full before you leave the page
For asynchronous uploads, a pop-out message shows that documents are being processed.
*It is not possible to upload a file without an extension, as it will be rejected and not processed
As a general guideline, we support all common documents, images, archives or emails. For more detailed reference, here is the exhaustive list of all supported file extensions:
['.eml', '.msg', '.tif', '.tiff', '.txt', '.pdf', '.doc', '.docm', '.docx', '.dot', '.fodt', '.odt', '.ott', '.rtf', '.ods', '.ots', '.fods', '.uos', '.xls', '.xlsx', '.xlt', '.xlsm', '.odp', '.otp', '.odg', '.fodp', '.uop', '.ppt', '.pptx', '.pptm', '.pot', '.potm', '.jpg', '.jpe', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif', '.bmp', '.zip', '.rar', '.rar4', '.7z', '.7zip', '.tar', '.raw', '.xar']Supported file types