18/02/2022 Release


  • improvement Model progress for invoice number, invoice date and tax breakdowns: By using a combination of generation and selection strategies we achieve both higher recall and precision on these predictions.


  • Stats:

    • changed ML Accuracy: On the ML Accuracy pages, the fields are ordered the same way as they are in the format, which makes it easier to find specific fields you’re interested in

    • changed Overview: We have revamped the Automation Overview stats page to be more visual and intuitive

  • Upload:

    • Feature Immediate automation rates on uploads: Interested in immediate automation rates of the files that you are uploading in the moment? We now show the live automation rates of the currently uploaded files. This can be enabled in Settings > Dashboard > enabling all upload_options

  • Review:

    • changed View > Toggle Json: Our Json now includes different colors and indents for better visualization and more efficient searches within the JSON.

    • Feature Actions > Extract A Table: This new feature will enable the user to annotate a whole table within seconds. Clicking on this feature will trigger a pop-out window with multiple steps and when followed, it will return a whole table prediction. This should speed up table annotations as the user does not have to annotate every single cell of the table anymore. This tool appears under Actions > Extract A Table.

  • User Management:

    • changed SSO and users: New user management screen that is more homogenous