The dashboard
Visibility (panes and charts) navigation_menu
The different panes of the portal (essentially the options you have in the left-hand side menu of the portal) can be set to visible or hidden. Similarly, you can toggle between hidden/visible for the different charts in the statistics
Note that there are two prerequisites for a pane to be visible
The pane should be set to visible in the dashboard configuration
The user should have a role for the active inbox that has the permission to use the actions of that pane
Below you can see that the upload option in the dashboard settings can be directly visible on the menu pane.
Timeout dashboard_timeout
For supported authentication options, we allow you to define a timeout value (in seconds). This is the time of inactivity before a user will be logged out of the system automatically.
Filters (statistics and inbox) show_filters
In the statistics pane, you can filter documents based on different fields. For example, you can define a date range as the filter for your documents. Furthermore, you can choose to focus on a specific evaluation.
In general, you can define any filter of your choice. This filter needs to be a field in the data structure of the document.
Similarly, you can filter which documents you want to see in the inbox.
Inbox (actions and columns) show_actions
There is a broad range of actions you can perform on the documents selected in the inbox view. You can change the visibility of these options (toggle between visible/hidden). As usual, triggering an action will require the user to have a role on the active inbox with the required permissions.
In the inbox pane, you can see a number of columns in the table and some additional information when you unfold the item. You can define the sequence of these columns, add columns based on any field that is available, remove columns, push columns to below the fold, or promote columns to be visible on the top line.
Welcome default_page
You can set which among all the pages you would like to see first and foremost upon log-in. By default, the first page you see is the Welcome page.
It is also possible to enable the document counters on the welcome page. This displays a table summarising, for each inbox and the overall total of inboxes, the number of
documents the current user has reviewed and submitted
documents the whole team (current user + other users) has reviewed and submitted
documents there are left to review.
Inbox (view and sorting) inbox_thumbnail_view
These settings allows you to set your preference with how you can view the files in your inbox.
Enabling the inbox thumbnail view will display the files in tiles, as opposed to the default view, list.
You can also set the default date range and whether the files will be sorted as ascending or descending value (such as date).
Uploading files upload_options
There are 5 upload options:
document validation
If enabled, you will be able to see 4 of these upload options, as shown in the illustration below, after a successful upload. The fourth option (show_samples) puts at your disposal sample files on the upload page that you can easily upload.
To upload synchronously, enable the first three sub-options. To upload asynchronously, disable them.
You can use the data retention option to set the number of days between the moment your file was uploaded until the day you would like the file to be removed from the system. If the value is set to -1, data retention will be turned off.
Autolearning autolearning
Turning this option on, turns on the system for active learning. This means that when you review a file, the machine will remember the values of all the fields annotated. Next time you upload a similar file, the machine will predict similar responses.
Studio studio_format_options
Just as the other visibility options, under this option, you can set visible attributes relevant to the studio page, such as UUID of formats and fields, description of fields and technical names of formats and fields.
Table of Dashboard Settings
Name | Description |
navigation_menu | Pages visibility in the navigation bar. For statistics also turn on or off a specific graph |
stats | Turn on/off statistics section |
volume_timings | Turn on/off “Volume and timings” stats page |
| Turn on/off “Volume” graph |
| Turn on/off “Average time” graph |
| Turn on/off “Average time spent by reviewer per document” graph |
| Turn on/off “Average time spent by reviewer per field” graph |
| Turn on/off “Label frequency” graph |
ml_accuracy | Turn on/off “ML accuracy” stats page |
| Turn on/off “Average accuracy” graph |
| Turn on/off “Field Accuracy” graph |
| Turn on/off “Fully Accurate Documents” graph |
| Turn on/off “Document Accuracy” graph |
| Turn on/off “Precision (per field)” graph |
| Turn on/off “Recall (per field)” graph |
| Turn on/off “F1 (per field)” graph |
| Turn on/off “Confusion Matrix” graph |
ml_awareness | Turn on/off “ML awareness” stats page |
| Turn on/off “Field Awareness” graph |
| Turn on/off “Brier Score” graph |
automation | Turn on/off “Automation” stats page |
| Turn on/off “Unopened Docs Matrix” graph |
| Turn on/off “Unopened Docs Chart” graph |
| Turn on/off “Unopened Fields Matrix” graph |
| Turn on/off “Unopened Fields Chart” graph |
| Turn on/off “STP vs. FP ratio (document-level)” graph |
upload | Turn on/off Upload page |
inbox | Turn on/off Inbox page |
review | Turn on/off Review page |
never_twice | Turn on/off Never twice section |
| Turn on/off “List” page |
| Turn on/off “View” page |
| Turn on/off “Search” page |
studio | Turn on/off Studio section |
| Turn on/off “Projects” page |
| Turn on/off “Backends” page |
| Turn on/off “Formats” page |
| Turn on/off “Integrations” page |
doc | Turn on/off Documentation section |
| Turn on/off Documentation page and User guide sub-page |
| Turn on/off Developer page (allows to see slate and swagger links on Documentation > User guide) |
settings | Turn on/off Settings sections |
| Turn on/off Dashboard settings page |
| Turn on/off Review settings page |
| Turn on/off Thresholds settings page |
| Turn on/off API keys settings page |
| Turn on/off STP Sampling settings on sampling page |
user_management | Turn on/off User Management section |
| Turn on/off Roles and Permissions page |
| Turn on/off SSO and users page |
feedback | Turn on/off Feedback page |
trans_editor | Turn on/off Translate editor page |
dashboard_timeout (min) | Time after which user with be logged out of application in case of inactivity |
show_filters | Show filters: |
stats | On stats page |
| Page type |
| Field |
| Date range |
| Status |
| Doc ID |
| Evaluation |
inbox | On inbox page |
| Page type |
| Field |
| Date range |
| Status |
| Doc ID |
automation | On Automation page |
| Page type |
| Date range |
| Evaluation |
show_actions | Show actions |
inbox | Inbox |
| Download file |
| Delete all data |
| Release lock from document |
| De-escalate document |
| Lock document |
| Escalate document |
| Reject document |
| Reprocess document |
| Move document |
sequence_columns_of_inbox | Customise Inbox table |
columns_headers | Specify columns of the table.
inline_headers | Specify additional information available after clicking + icon next to the record.
flexible_filters | Filters visible in the top bar |
welcome_counters | Enable/disable welcome counters or inboxes on Welcome page |
inbox_thumbnail_view | turn inbox page by default to thumbnail view |
default_date_range | Default date range in inbox page. Options:
default_inbox_sorting | Sorting of documents on inbox page ASC, DESC by specified column (e.g. date) |
upload_options | Upload options |
| Validates whether or not the file is in the correct defined format |
| Shows instant predictions of the file right upon upload |
| Turn on/off STP flag |
| Show sample files that are ready to upload |
| Show suggested actions after upload |
studio_format_options | Studio format options |
| Show description column for formats and fields |
| Show description column for formats and fields |
| Show technical name column for fields |