

There are three independent environments in which our product runs. These are test, quality and production; in order of most novelty to most stability. New features and functionality are developed locally and promoted initially onto the test environment following (minimal four eyes) code review, following industrial standard CI/CD practices. The code is then further deployed from one environment to the other after end to end testing, where in general the end of a two weekly development sprint corresponds to the deployment from the testing environment to the quality environment. A further deployment from quality to production happens depending on the extent of the features added, targeting a maximum period of 3 months between development of a new feature and production availability.

Below you can find an overview on how to access the different environments for your organisation, where it should be noted that paying customers receive access to Quality and Production environments by default, while access to the test environment is intended for early access to new features.

Test environment

Quality(/staging/acceptance) environment

Production environment

Basic usage

Besides environments, here are some additional guidelines on use of the product.

The urls above bring you to the UI layer running on top of our API by default.

The API itself is available in two forms. The simplified version of the api is documented at <url>/apidoc (and is accessed by sending requests to <url>/api/), while the extensive version is available at <url>/admin (and receives requests at <url>/admin/), given that your user has the required permissions. Documentation of the API and its endpoints is provided following the OpenAPI specification (3.0). Additional API documentation along with implementations in some popular programming languages can be found at <url>/slate.

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